Ukulele is a type of musical instrument that was invented in 1879 in Hawaii. Ukulele in Hawaiian means jumping flea. The presence of ukulele in Hawaii was brought by immigrants from Portugal. While in Indonesia, the ukulele entered in 1880 in Ambon and then spread to the Makassar area. Until finally the ukulele became a keroncong musical instrument in Kampung Toegoe, North Jakarta. Therefore, in Indonesia ukulele is closely related and identical to keroncong music.
If you need detailed information about when the ukulele entered Indonesia and what is behind it, you can read the history of the ukulele that we review starting from how the ukulele can exist in this world to how the ukulele can visit Indonesia. Well, after knowing a little story about the ukulele, here are some types of ukulele guitars that are commonly used by musicians. Check out the explanation.
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Batiksoul founded by Guge Nugroho.
Most of the wood material comes from the best Indonesian solidwood and 80% is indonesian exotic woods.
for nearly 2 years ( 2012-2014) research how to apply natural dyeing batik on 2.5mm solidwood media such as solid spruce, solid mahogany, maple, and solid mango.
Trials need to be carried out to find out effect the batik process has sound quality and resonance on solidwood instrument.
Since 2011 Batiksoul owned by more than 200 collector, musician and guitarist in the world.