Modern Acoustic Guitar Born

Even today, almost two centuries after its invention, the flat top guitar continues to be the most popular form of acoustic guitar. It was developed by Christian Frederick Martin, a German-born American luthier who made his first guitar in the United States in the 1830s.

Martin created an X-rayed guitar body that was able to handle the extra stress generated by modern steel strings, which created too much strain for Spanish guitar-wearing Torres-style enthusiasts.

The tight steel strings also resulted in a different style of playing that used a pick. This fundamentally changed the type of music that could be made on steel-string instruments, and the precise, subtle melodies of classical guitar were replaced by brighter, chord-driven music.

The common use of picks for playing also led to the development of the pickguard, added below the sound hole on most flat top guitar models.



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Batiksoul founded by Guge Nugroho.
Most of the wood material comes from the best Indonesian solidwood and 80% is indonesian exotic woods.
for nearly 2 years ( 2012-2014) research how to apply natural dyeing batik on 2.5mm solidwood media such as solid spruce, solid mahogany, maple, and solid mango.
Trials need to be carried out to find out effect the batik process has sound quality and resonance on solidwood instrument.
Since 2011 Batiksoul owned by more than 200 collector, musician and guitarist in the world.

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