Modern guitarist Chris Shiflett – outside of his role with the Foo Fighters – knows his musical mission of fusing SoCal rock roots and Nashville influences to create a fresh new sound.
The country-influenced rocker called on some of Nashville’s finest country-rock practitioners, Jaren Johnston (The Cadillac Three) and John Osborne (Brothers Osborne), to join him on his new single, Black Top White Lines.Co-written with Johnston and Osborne via Zoom in mid-2020
If you interest with unique Guitar, Call Us.
Batiksoul founded by Guge Nugroho.
Most of the wood material comes from the best Indonesian solidwood and 80% is indonesian exotic woods.
for nearly 2 years ( 2012-2014) research how to apply natural dyeing batik on 2.5mm solidwood media such as solid spruce, solid mahogany, maple, and solid mango.
Trials need to be carried out to find out effect the batik process has sound quality and resonance on solidwood instrument.
Since 2011 Batiksoul owned by more than 200 collector, musician and guitarist in the world.